Sunday, September 23, 2012

Support Small Paint Business...

Hello all! This week was an exciting week because I was able to go out on the road and speak about paint and color in Massachusetts.  During this visit, so many people had paint and color questions, and it was so great to be able to get the message out about how color and good paint can completely transform your space, but more importantly, why all paint is not the same.
   This brings me to the topic that so many of us in the paint world are beginning to see, and that is the support of the small business that is so needed in this country.  We see commercials on TV all the time for the bigger companies like Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams, Behr and Valspar to name a few.  While we know that their products are good, we also know that they are mass produced and they are not a company that has a face to it.  They are all corporate giants who do not take into the personalization that color can have in ones home.  They sell you tons of colors on their displays, but never took the time to really have a conversation about how any of this works.  They do not get that this process of design can be a complicated one that takes time and thought.  They think that more choices is a good thing, and the reality is that it is total confusion!
   One of the ways that Muralo and the Michelle Winick Color Collection is set apart from the rest is that there was a ton of time and thought that went into everything color.  The colors were made to work in the product, and it was a formulation that was done with color and product quality in mind.  The Muralo company is very proud of the technology they have, and their product backs that up.  Whenever I refer the Ultra product to someone, they fall in love with it instantly because they see its exceptional quality.  When the MW colors go up in a space, people understand that every color has a unique balance to it, something that the mass produced collections of color to do not have.
   Next time you are looking to purchase paint, think about the options you have.  You can support the company that works hard for the customer, or the one that mass produces its products and does not work for the consumer! Just because you may not recognize the name does not mean that the quality is not there.  Trust me, I would not put my name on the product if I did not know it was the best!

Happy Painting!

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